When purchasing from broadway.citypass.com, there is a Seat Map tab that displays the seating options for each venue. The Seat Map is static; it does not show an interactive view of which seats are available. When selecting tickets, the general section can be selected, but not individual seats. After selecting Get Tickets you will be presented with the exact seats that are being held for your order on the Checkout page. When you click on the seats that were selected for you, the static Seat Map will pop up, along with a reminder of the seats that have been selected, so that you can visually confirm where they will be located in the venue. The color seats on the map are not the seats selected for you, but a notation of ADA seat. If you don't like the seats that have been auto-selected for you based on the venue section you chose, you may click the Remove link on the Checkout page to start over. Once you checkout, you will not be able to change your seats. If you need assistance, please contact the CityPASS Customer Care team.