To reserve Museum of Science and Industry, use the My CityPASS® app. Please download the app and verify your email to connect your order. Select Go to My Tickets.
Select the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry from the attraction menu.
Select Make Reservations.
You will be leaving the My CityPASS® App. Select Continue to Griffin Museum of S...
You will be directed to the CITY PASS® ticketing page. Read the instructions at the bottom of the page and select Griffin MSI Ticketing.
Select Buy Tickets to go to the reservation page.
Select the date and time you desire to visit.
Input the number of adults and children in the party. Check Will you be redeeming CITY PASS® vouchers for this visit?
Copy barcodes from the My CityPASS® App.
Copy CITY PASS® barcodes from mobile tickets without spaces. When all are copied, select Add Ticket to Order.
Confirm order summary and select Proceed to Checkout. Special experience timed-entry tickets can be reserved on this page. Chicago CITY PASS® tickets include Science Storms, Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze, and YOU! The Experience, The Blue Paradox, and much more; please reserve your time on this page. Chicago C3® tickets do not include a special experience, but special experiences can be purchased on this page.
Complete Your Information section. Select Complete Order after acknowledging Guggenheim Museum Terms and Conditions.
Order confirmation will follow, and tickets will be sent to the email entered in Your Information.